Here are 5 edibles to forage in August in the UK
It’s been super warm here the past few weeks since the last article was published and we are hoping for the weather to cool down soon so the plants can have a break from the intense heat.
We have been working together to create a new article for you to enjoy this month and we have compiled just a few of the more commonly foraged edibles.

Blackberry Foraging in August
The Blackberry Rubus fruticosus or ‘Bramble’ as known by most people, can be found from late July up until late October.
Blackberries can be found almost anywhere, you may even have them growing in your garden. But typically they grow in hedges and heaths and on roadside verges.
You can make some wonderful and delicious recipes with Blackberries. How about blackberry and apple crumble or some homemade blackberry jam?
Parasol Mushroom

Parasol Mushroom Foraging in August
The Parasol Mushroom Macrolepiota procera is commonly found growing in grasslands between August to October. This fungi tends to grow in rings or as some may call them ‘Fairy Rings’.
Parasol mushrooms grow to an incredible 30cm wide and I have personally seen them the size of dinner plates, it’s a true delight to see.
One of the best ways to enjoy them is pan-fried in butter with plenty of garlic, salt and black pepper served on toasted, crusty bread. Mmmmm delicious!
Meadow Sweet

Meadow Sweet Foraging in August
Meadow Sweet is commonly found growing alongside canals and damp meadows and also rivers and lakes.
Meadow Sweet can be harvested from May up until September.
You can use all parts of the plant. These can be cooked in stews and soups or cooked with fruit for a delicious added flavor.
Crab Apple

Crab Apple Foraging in August
The famous and well-known Crab Apple is generally found in woods and hedges and on roadsides.
Crab Apples are rather sharp in flavor and high in pectin which makes them an excellent choice if you would like to make preserves such as jams and chutneys.
The seeds of the Crab Apple have a more sinister side and contain a toxin called hydrogen cyanide and should not be eaten in large quantities. I prefer to not eat the seeds at all if it can be helped.

Elderberry Foraging in August
Elderberries come from the Elder tree. These grow in woodlands and wastelands, hedgerows, and in gardens. The berries, when ripe is a dark purple color and are ready to harvest in August up until October.
The berries are safe to eat and have many uses in medicine and cookery. Stay away from the leaves, stems, bark, and roots as these are toxic.
Elderberries have been used to treat common colds and have antioxidant properties alongside many other health-boosting benefits.
Why not make some Elderberry syrup to store in your fridge for the coming colder months to have some daily to ward off seasonal colds and flu or just a tasty and nutritious syrup to drizzle over porridge or rice pudding. Another option is a homemade elderberry and almond pie.